From senior management to employees – we assume responsibility for society and the environment as an employer and pillar of the local economy, as a technology supplier and as an industrial company. That is why we support initiatives, projects, and organizations that contribute to solving environmental, societal, and economic challenges.
We Assume
Education and Research
At our company’s sites by supporting charitable projects and organizations that work to promote equal opportunities and support young people.
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As an employer by offering the right conditions to create the perfect work-life balance and by supporting our employees’ volunteer work.
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For educating young people by supporting educational and scientific projects and associated institutions with a particular focus on STEM subjects.
As a technology company by developing low-emission power solutions and focusing on resource-efficient production methods and sustainable supply chains.
As a company in the defense technology industry by promoting an open, fact-based debate focused on solutions to security policy issues in our society and by supporting initiatives and institutions that advance this discourse.
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As members of associations and organizations that promote open social discourse and a fact-based debate on security policy issues. We are members of:
- the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.
- the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI),
- the Federation of German Security and Defense Industries (BDSV),
- the German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.),
- Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V.,
- the Federation of Business Associations in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (UV Nord)