VINCORION Is Growing! Technology Company Looking for New Employees

The technology company VINCORION, headquartered in Wedel, Germany, is growing rapidly and plans to significantly expand its workforce. Due to numerous new orders, particularly in the defense and civil aviation sectors, the company will significantly expand its production capacities at all three of its locations in Germany.

“The security situation in Europe and around the world has changed,” said Kajetan von Mentzingen, CEO of VINCORION, explaining the current situation. He emphasized that the Zeitenwende (“new era”) in Germany had not only finally been embraced by politicians, but also by society. This is also leading to increased interest in VINCORION’s working environment. “People understand the importance of our country’s defense capabilities,” von Mentzingen added.

The company’s strong performance is reflected in a number of areas. VINCORION recently presented a new generation of weapon stabilizers for battle tanks and armored personnel carriers. In addition, the company recently signed important contracts for the supply of generators for the Boxer armored personnel carrier and for the maintenance of the Patriot air defense system.

“Ukraine has shown that heavy battle tanks remain indispensable in combined arms combat,” said Sascha Brüning, Vice President Business Development & Sales at VINCORION, emphasizing the importance of these developments. He explained that VINCORION had been awarded key contracts in the wake of recent orders for battle tanks, including the equipment for 54 Leopard 2 A8 tanks for Norway. “Further deliveries for Germany and partner countries are already on the books, amounting to a total of more than 500 system deliveries in the coming years,” added Brüning.


Filmbildfabrik / Shutterstock

Plans to hire 80 new employees

To manage this growth, VINCORION plans to hire around 80 new employees by the end of the year. The company is particularly looking for specialists in the fields of engineering, technology, and business, as well as in the commercial and technical sectors.

“The defense industry requires highly qualified employees,” said Nina Römhild, VINCORION’s head of HR, explaining the challenges and opportunities of recruiting. At the same time, however, she emphasized that the company was successful in attracting new specialists. “Our attractive working conditions, competitive salaries, and extensive training opportunities win over many candidates,” Römhild explained. She pointed to the high recommendation rate and the company’s above-average rating on Kununu as proof of employee satisfaction.

VINCORION, with approximately 800 employees in Germany, including roughly 30 vocational trainees, sees itself well equipped to meet the challenges of growth and to further expand its contribution to Europe’s security. Interested applicants can find more information about vacancies on the VINCORION website at


Media Contact:
Florian Hanauer
VINCORION Advanced Systems
Feldstraße 155
22880 Wedel
Tel. 04103 60 – 2250



VINCORION is a technology company that specializes in innovative power systems for safety-critical applications, including generators, electric motors, and drives, gensets, power electronics, and hybrid power systems. As a partner to the civil aviation, security and defense, and rail industries, VINCORION develops and manufactures solutions tailored to its customers’ specific requirements on the basis of an in-depth dialog. A high-performance customer support team provides assistance and service to users of the company’s own products and those from third parties throughout the entire product life cycle. With approximately 800 employees at sites in Germany, and the United States, VINCORION generated revenues of approximately 163 million euros in 2023.

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